Saturday, February 13, 2010

French River Park Grant Application Submitted

On February 12, the Webster Office of Community Development submitted an application for the next round of Community Development Block Grant funding, which includes approximately $290,000 for French River Park. In order to demonstrate readiness to proceed, considerable engineering, cost estimating, and submission of permits was required in the last month by our engineers, Lenard Engineering of Auburn.

There is a very long list of people to thank for getting this far, but here is a good time to mention our membership and friends who have done the hard work over the last five years, whether related directly to the park or not, which has enabled us to show that this is a project which has gained community support and fits in with other goals. With the Office of Community Development also including funding for a downtown facade and signage program, there is a lot of synergy within the application.

While it is possible that the project will be done in 2010, that requires everything to fall into place optimally, so 2011 is more realistic.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We're Accepting Credit Cards

The French River Connection is now able to accept credit cards on its website for payment of membership dues and donations. Visitors to the site may also pay through PayPal. Those who prefer may still put a check in the mail.

Here is the payment page:
Membership and Donations