French River Connection Annual Meeting
April 14, 7pm
Black Tavern, Center Road, Dudley
7:00 Grab a cookie
7:10 Welcome---Ken
7:15 Minutes of January 2010 meeting---Elaine
7:20 Treasurer’s Report---Sheila
7:25 Water Quality Monitoring Certificates---Ken
7:30 Brief Progress Summary---Ken
7:45 Guest Speaker: Delpha Very, Putnam CT Office of Economic and Community Development Ms. Very will describe her experiences developing the riverfront in Putnam CT. Her “lessons learned” will help us develop public riverfront.
8:15 Bike raffle kick-off---Ken
8:25 Election of Directors
3 year term--Tim Bell, nominations from the floor
3 year term--Ken Parker, nominations from the floor
1 year term--nominations from the floor, must be willing to serve
8:40 Other business
8:50 Adjourn for refreshments
There will be a short board meeting immediately following.
New members are invited to join at this meeting only at a 50% discount, and receive a screensaver
Notecards and bike raffle tickets will be available for purchase.