On May 15, these members of the Shepherd Hill Environment Committee pitched in to make the Perryville Trace better for walkers and less attractive to beavers. Club members addressed a long-standing problem by constructing a causeway over a narrow strip between the river and an uncertified vernal pool, adding flat stones found on-site to make dry stable footing at high water. They also protected approximately 40 trees from beavers by wrapping them with welded wire. We are always eager to work with young people; it was an enjoyable and productive day, and we are grateful for their help.
Earlier in the Spring, French River Connection members installed pipe under a section of the Trace that gets wet from Brookside Avenue runoff to carry the water away, and cleaned up trash from the riverbanks on both sides of the River above Perryville.
On May 14, we received a grant award from The Last Green Valley for development of Leovich Landing, in the amount of $6000. This will be matched by donations of material, equipment and labor. Work cannot start until we sign a contract with the grantor, which we hope will not be long. We also are awaiting a determination that we do not need a Chapter 91 Waterways permit for the launch, which is expected before the end of the month.We're grateful to The Last Green Valley for selecting us; approximately one in four requests were funded. We couldn't have gotten to this point without J&D Civil Engineers doing the work (at a significant discount) to make us "shovel ready". We're also grateful to all who helped estimate the work and who have offered in-kind donations, and to those who wrote letters of support: The town of Oxford, the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, the Appalachian Mountain Club, and state Senator Richard T. Moore.
Wal-mart has awarded $1000 to the Dudley Conservation Land Trust for the Leovich Landing stewardship account, which will be used for development of the site. Thanks to Carol Colena for making this happen.