Monday, September 27, 2010

Troop 147 Completes Leovich Landing

On September 25, members of Oxford Boy Scout Troop 147 and family members gathered at 52 Dudley Road in Oxford, to complete work on the Leovich Landing project where a canoe/kayak launch was installed earlier in the year. The work is the Eagle project of scout Josh Escobar. It included leveling the parking lot, planting junipers and daffodils at the entrance, construction of a fence, preparation of a picnic area, and installation of a new sign. More than fifty people took part in the event.

Leovich Landing was purchased in 2009 by the Dudley Conservation Land Trust. Troop 147 joined a collaboration of the Land Trust, the French River Connection, the Last Green Valley, the town of Oxford, and the Army Corps of Engineers to complete the work. Many local businesses and volunteers provided funding, materials and services to make the project a success.Among them are Ron Rheault Construction, Sam Hicks Paving, Bonsal American, J.S. Lane Asphalt and Gravel companies, Robbins Garden Center, and Wal-Mart

Monday, September 20, 2010

French River Park Project Moves Ahead

The French River adjacent the French River Park site is the home of Triangle Floater and Creeper mussels, listed by the state as species of special concern. In order to protect them, we are required to move any we can find upstream prior to starting construction. Above, mussel scientist Sean Werle is on the hunt. It was not expected that many would be found because mussels had been translocated from this area several years ago prior to a remediation project on the opposite bank, and that proved to be the case.

The construction contract for the park was won by Webster contractor Henry Ceppetelli. With the mussel project completed, we can look forward to an October start on the park, with completion in Spring 2011.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Water Temperature Logging Ends For the Season

Since May, four temperature data loggers have been patiently recording the temperature of the French River every 15 minutes, awaiting cooler weather and a chance to rest. After more than 11000 recordings each, the loggers were rescued September 16. The record of their findings is shown above, located at Clara Barton Road, Dudley Road, Harwood Street, and Brandon Road. The temperatures were generally higher upstream, touching nearly 90 F on one occasion at Clara Barton Road. Both that location and Dudley Road showed 7-day rolling average maximums above 83F for several days, exceeding the state standards for a warm water fishery.

Our TROLL and colorimeter data collection continues until November, with flow rates. remaining at historic lows.

French River Day held September 18

Frank, Nancy and Charles are shown above sharing a chuckle at French River Day, held September 18 at Buffumville Park from 3 until 6. Approximately a dozen members enjoyed good food and good company. Thanks to Elaine Parker for organizing the day and to the USACE and Jean Hixson for hosting.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Completion of Leovich Landing in sight

On September 8, the base layer for the parking lot was put down and rolled, and the curb which keeps road run-off headed for the storm drain was installed, as were the two asphalt parking aprons. During the next two weeks we will take delivery of the parking lot top course of gravel, and get the fence post holes dug.

On September 25, Oxford Boy Scout Troop 147 will come on site to essentially finish the job, including

Spread the gravel top coat on the parking lot
Erect the fence
Put up a new sign
Assemble and install the picnic table on a wood chip base
Plant and mulch the oval
Edge the path to the ramp
Miscellaneous clean up

We are continuing to get wonderful in-kind donations and discounts from local businesses, helping us stay on budget.